
Yunzhong Hou (侯云钟) is a research fellow at the Australian National University, collaborating closely with Prof. Tom Gedeon and Prof. Liang Zheng. He completed his PhD at the same university in 2023, under the esteemed guidance of Prof. Liang Zheng, Prof. Stephen Gould, and Prof. Hongdong Li. Yunzhong’s academic journey began at Tsinghua University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering in 2018.

Specializing in computer vision and deep learning, his current research interest lies in AI-based drone videography, camera control and optimizations for embodied agents, and multi-view detection and tracking. Yunzhong is actively involved in the academic community, contributing as a conference reviewer for prominent conferences such as CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, NeurIPS, ACM MM, and IJCAI. He also serves as a journal reviewer for respected publications like TPAMI, TIP, TMM, and TCSVT, and an area chair for ICASSP and ACM MM.

For more details, please find his CV here.


  • 2019.06 Won 5th place out of 22 participants in multi-target multi-camera tracking in CVPR 2019 AI-City Challenge. paper, code.
  • 2019.06 Won 3rd place out of 84 participants in vehicle re-identification in CVPR 2019 AI-City Challenge. paper, code.


Please contact me via e-mail.